Ekpan hospital




198 Jakpa Road,Warri Delta State.

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General Surgery

Ekpan hospital Warri Department of Surgery is comprised of certified surgeons who provide evaluation and treatment for a full range of different surgery conditions.

Services Includes

  • Endocrine surgery (For thyroid diseases)
  • Breast cancer screening and treatment
  • Hepatobiliary surgery (For gallstones, Pancreatic tumours)
  • Management of colorectal diseases
  • Management of benign anorectal disease like haemorrhoids (using rubber band ligation, staples haemorroidopexy and open haemorrhoid surgeries )
  • Anal fistula and abscesses
  • Management of other digestive system likepeptic ulcer diseases, GORD, sleeve gastrectomy for obesity etc)
  • Laparoscopic surgeries (for appendicectomy, gallstones diseases )
  • Endoscopic procedures (oesophageal variceal ligation, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy-PEG)
  • Treatment of various forms of hernias and trauma care (as it relates to General surgery) and treatment of other surgical conditions like lipomas, ganglion cysts etc.